Aadhaar-based e-KYC is an electronic know-your-customer services offered by the Unique Identification Authority of India. One can avail of this service on a voluntary basis to authenticate and establish their identity. It allows the resident to submit it as address proof to any of the banking companies. Aadhaar-based e-KYC shares the information electronically, negating the need for physical document submission.
Aadhaar Authentication and e-KYC Services
It is the process in which the Aadhaar number along with biometric and demographic information of an Aadhaar number holder is being submitted to the Central Identities Data Repository for its verification and such repository verifies the correctness of the details shared. The objective of doing the authentication is to enable residents to provide their identity for the service provider to supply services and give access to the benefits.
Benefits of Aadhaar Authentication/e-KYC Services:
What is Aadhaar Offline e-KYC?
Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC eliminates the need for the resident to share the photocopy of Aadhaar letter and offers the download facility of KYX XML to resident and provide the same to agencies wanted to have his/her KYC.
The KYC details are in machine-readable XML which is digitally signed by UIDAI allowing the agency to verify its authenticity and detect any tampering. The agency can also authenticate the user through their own OTP/Face authentication mechanisms.
Detail of the data covered in Aadhaar offline e-KYC Data
While downloading/obtaining offline e-KYC data, following fields are included in the XML.
Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC data is encrypted using a “Share Phrase” provided by the Aadhaar number holder at the time of downloading which is required to be shared with agencies to read KYC data.
Advantages of Offline Aadhaar e-KYC
There are numerous benefits and advantages associated with the Aadhaar e-KYC process, some of which are listed below:
The KYC data can be shared by the Aadhaar card holder directly without making any repeated requests to the UIDAI for access. Biometrics are not needed to verify the data being shared.
Since the e-KYC information is accessed from the master UIDAI database, all information provided is as per government records and thus tamper-proof.
The data that is shared with KUA’s is encrypted, preventing any misuse of the Aadhaar holder’s information.
Only information relevant to the KUA and the holder’s KYC requirements are shared through this system, ensuring the holder’s privacy. Additionally, biometrics and access to personally sensitive information are restricted.
Aadhaar security
When a KUA requests KYC data, the holder’s Aadhaar number is not shared. Instead, a reference ID is generated and is used to complete the process, ensuring protection of data.
This service is voluntary and an Aadhaar holder can choose whether he/she wants to share KYC details through the platform.
How Does Aadhaar Offline e-KYC Work?
The offline e-KYC process is a quick and convenient way for Aadhaar card holders to provide KYC details for authentication purposes. As a cardholder, you can download an XML file of the KYC information and provide it to the relevant requesting agencies. The XML is verified by UIDAI and tamper-proof, further securing the data being shared.
Process to access Aadhaar Paperless e-KYC
How to Share Offline e-KYC Data
The downloaded offline e-KYC data can be shared with the relevant requesting agency by the cardholder either in physical format or digitally. The ‘Share Phrase’ is to be provided to the agency/authority at this time since the data is encrypted. For high-resolution copies, sharing the information through an XML or PDF file is preferable.