This PAN Card needed by those individuals who are not Indian citizens, entities incorporated outside India or unincorporated entities formed outside India. It is governed under the Rule 114 B of the Income Tax rules, 1962. Like form 49A, this form is also available both online and offline.
Note: Structure of PAN Card form 49AA is the same as PAN card form 49 A. Apart from the basic details as required in the PAN Card 49 A, the applicant’s KYC details also needed in case of filing Form 49AA. This is to be filled by Qualified Foreign investor or Foreign Institutional investor prescribed under the regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
Assessing officer code
Under this section, the applicant must mention the Assessing officer code details which include Area Code, Account office type, Account office number, and the Range code.
Full Name
In this individual needs to mention:
Name Abbreviations
Here you need to mention an abbreviation of your name which you want to print on your PAN card. Always make use of the name that is present on your other documents as well.
Do you have any other names?
In case you have two names, you should mention that second name also in this section.
Mention your gender in this section
Date of Birth
In the case of the applicant is individual, in that case, the applicant must provide the details such as the date of birth and in case of the organization then needs to mention the date of partnership/incorporation/Agreement or Trust deed.
Father’s Name
In this applicant need to fill the first name, last name ,and surname of the father. It applies to individual applicants.
The applicant needs to give details of the office address and residence address. In the next section, mark the address (office or residence) that you want to keep as your address for communication
Telephone number and Email address
The applicant must mention the State code, Country code, and telephone/mobile number for communication purposes.
Status of the applicant
In this, the applicant needs to provide details that if they are a HUF member, or an individual, partnership firm, company, etc.
Registration number
It indicates the registration number of LLPs, Companies, firms ,etc.
The applicant needs to mention the name of the country of which they hold citizenship along with providing the ISO code of the same.
Representative of the applicant in India
The applicant should mention the details of agent or representative with their full name and address.
Submission of Documents
The applicant needs to provide details of all the documents they have submitted with the form.
KYC details
This section of the form should be filled by Qualified Foreign Investor as prescribed by regulations under SEBI. It includes details such as occupation details, marital status, citizenship status etc.
As an identity proof
As an address proof